Hop On - Hop Off Bus Tours

One of my absolute favorite things to do whenever I visit a new city is take a Hop On/Hop Off bus (HOHO for short). I've had a lot of friends balk at the idea of "wasting money" on something "so touristy" but oh how wrong they are! Let me break it down on why HOHO buses are the best!

1. Free Transportation

Ok obviously the bus itself isn't free. However, once you pay the ticket price ($20-$40 depending on where you're visiting), you then have free transportation for the rest of your visit (or part of the visit if you're there for more than a few days). How is it free? Well almost all HOHO buses I've been on have a 24 hour, 48 hour, or 72 hour ticket option. Since you can hop off and on at all stops, on all routes, that means after you've done the tourist part of the bus tour, you can then use the bus to get around after that. Because all HOHO routes take you around the whole city, you are pretty much guaranteed that wherever it is you want to go, there is a bus stop nearby. Bigger cities usually having between 3-6 routes to choose from, which means they've got you covered. Why pay for taxis or car shares all over the city when your HOHO ticket will get you there?! It's the easiest economical decision you'll make on your whole trip.

2. Interesting Facts/Insider Tips

Whether you're on a HOHO bus that has a live tour guide or you just have headphones to listen to a prerecorded guide, you are bound to learn a lot about the city you're visiting that you otherwise wouldn't know. The HOHO routes hit all of the "must see" spots in every city, so all of the places you probably want to visit in that city will be covered. But not only will you get to visit these "must see" spots, you'll also learn important facts and the history of these spots without having to pay for a guide once there (or read info online). And because the guides are always locals, most times they will tell you interesting facts that you won't necessarily find online or in a typical guide book. In addition to the stops on the HOHO routes, you also learn a lot about the city throughout the drive. Whether you're listening to a live guide or the prerecorded guide, they always point things out along the route, tell you what used to be there, what buildings/parks/etc. are you're passing, and more. No matter how much you read ahead of time or research before your trip, you're bound to miss something. And often times the guides will point out restaurants along the routes and give suggestions on the best items to order. It is always a plus to have a local recommend the best food spots and what to eat!

3. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

It goes without saying, but no matter where you're visiting, you're going to be taking pictures. With cameras at our fingertips on our phones or for those who still bring an actual camera on vacation (a must for night shots....sorry, phone cameras just don't cut it!), we are always snapping pictures. What makes HOHO buses the best choice for picture taking is the views. Because HOHO buses are double-decker buses, sitting up top gives you a vantage point for pictures you wouldn't otherwise have walking around. Often times when you're in a crowded area, on the ground you're fighting to get a good picture due to people standing in your way, selfie sticks creeping into frame, gates blocking an entrance, etc. When you're on the top of a HOHO bus, you don't have to worry about any of that! And when you're driving past something that is surrounded by a gate or other obstruction, being high above that is the only way to get a picture. You also don't have to worry about anyone blocking your shot or random tops of heads in your frame. If you've ever been to the Louvre and taken a picture of the Mona Lisa, you know what I mean! haha

Got this great shot from the front seat of a HOHO bus crossing the Tower Bridge in London!

But one thing to keep in mind (of which I've learned the hard way): ALWAYS watch for trees! I've been hit by a tree branch more times than I'd like to admit on HOHO buses...

4. Climate Control

Another added bonus in taking HOHO buses is that it can protect you from the elements. There's nothing worse than planning a trip to visit a new place and then you get there and the weather sucks. Rain, snow, humidity, and heat can almost ruin a day because the last thing you want to do is leave the comfort of your hotel. But when you've flown all the way there, you want to see what you came there for, right?! HOHO buses can be a lifesaver in these situations. If it's raining, most HOHO buses have a covering on the top (either the whole top or the front half) or you can sit on the lower level. If it's insanely hot or humid (or both....yuck!), you can sit in the air conditioning on the lower level. You also don't have to fight the crowds to flag down a taxi. As a New Yorker, I know the pain of trying to find a taxi when it's pouring rain. I've ended up having to walk home drenched many times. Not fun! With the HOHO bus, you're guaranteed a ride to protect you from the elements.

Was it freezing? Yes. Were we the only people on the top? Yes. Did we have fun? YES!

5. Added Perks

In almost every city, HOHO bus tickets come with added perks. Depending on where you are, your HOHO bus ticket will usually include an additional tour (a boat ride in places with rivers/sea), admission to a museum, free entrance to an attraction, or discounted tickets to shows/attractions. In London, our HOHO ticket included a river cruise on the Thames River. In Amsterdam, our HOHO ticket included a boat cruise on the famous canals. In Barcelona, our HOHO ticket included a coupon booklet with more than $200 in promotional discounts. In Budapest, our HOHO ticket included a river cruise on the Danube River. With added perks, it again makes the HOHO bus such an easy economical choice for your trip!

View of Parliament in Budapest from the free river cruise:


BUY AHEAD: If possible, always buy your ticket ahead of time. Most HOHO operators will offer a cheaper price online than what you'll pay on board. Depending on the country, they also may require cash on board, so if you're not going to have local currency, buying online ahead of time with a credit card is a better idea.

FULL LOOP FIRST: Most routes on HOHO buses will be between 1-2 hours for the full loop. I suggest picking your route and then staying on board for the entire loop. This way you can listen to the guide, learn your way around the city, and mark on your map (they always give you a map showing the routes/stops on board) what you want to see. It's also nice to just ride the full loop first because you can take in the atmosphere of the city and just enjoy learning about your surroundings. Then once you've done the full loop, you can plan out your stops and how long you need at each site.

WEAR SUNSCREEN: I know it should seem obvious, but when you're on the top of the bus and the sun is beating down on you (even if it's a mostly cloudy day), OMG can you get burnt! I've failed this one too many times. Bring your sunscreen with you and reapply. You'll be so busy looking at everything along the route that you may not even notice how red you're getting. Protect your skin!

Oh the sunburn that followed this ride...

GUARD YOUR TICKET: Every HOHO bus will print out a paper ticket when you board and you have to show that every time you get back on board. It's printed out of a machine like a receipt, so it's very fragile and can easily rip or get wet if it's raining, you're sweaty, etc. Since this ticket is your lifeline for transport, don't lose it! Keep it somewhere safe (wallet, purse, etc.) and make sure you have it ready to show every time you hop back on a bus.

OPERATORS: The major HOHO bus operators are City Sightseeing and Big Bus Tours. In certain cities/countries however, there will only be local operators. You can visit this website and enter your destination and it will give you all options. Or just google the city and "hop on hop off bus" and you'll find what's available.

Bon Voyage!


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