About Me

I am a practicing attorney who loves her day job and all that it entails. However, at the same time I have a huge passion for travel! I was bitten by the travel bug at a very young age thanks to my travel-loving parents. While the majority of my childhood travel was domestic, as an adult I have made it my mission to see as much of the world as possible. My goal is to visit 100 countries and spend New Year's Eve in every time zone.

For me, taking time for myself and getting away from the daily grind is vital to both my mental and physical health. I also believe that traveling the world and being exposed to different cultures, people, and ways of life has enriched my life in more ways than I can count. Travel has made me appreciative of every blessing I have and always gives me a renewed sense of self when I return from a trip.

​People constantly ask me how I am able to travel as much as I do. I can assure you, that with proper planning and a willingness to be flexible, ANYONE can travel the world! You do NOT have to be rich to see the world. Most travel blogs are people who "quit their job, sold everything, & started traveling the world!" For most people, quitting your job is not a luxury you can afford, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still be able to travel the world. I hope to show you, through this blog, that travel is not only attainable (and affordable), but essential to maintaining the perfect work/life balance we all so desperately need.

​Happy travels!


I’d love to help you plan your next trip. If you have any questions, please email me!